Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare and contrast - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to compare growing up in a single parent family vs. a two parent family. The biggest victims in a divorce scenario are the children. The younger the children are the more impacted they are by a divorce. When two parents get divorce they are supposed to jointly care for the children. The wife typically gets custody of the children with the father having privileges of visiting or staying with the kids during weekends. Children that are raised in a single parent family suffer from more emotional stress than dual parent homes. They do not get the chance to have two parents to rely on at all times. The financial resources of single parent families are lower than in two parent families. It is common knowledge that having more financial resources increases the quality of life of a family. Money does not buy happiness, but it enables the parents to buy clothes, food, medicine, toys, and entertainment for the children. Due to the lower financial resources of singl e parent families the home or apartment they live in are inferior in terms of space and quality of neighborhood. There are some advantages to living in a single parent scenario. The children in these situations usually become more independent. They also may enjoy the love of two additional step parents and step siblings.

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