Sunday, April 28, 2019

Eco-friendly textile production Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eco-friendly textile production - Research Paper ExampleThe materials utilize in the fashioning are very organic ranging from the fabric and dye to the buttons. The jeans are also called organic because the cotton used to make them is grown used organic means and is mainly grown in areas with out access to these chemical fertilizers (Natural Choices, 2006, para. 4). Areas include West Africa where cotton is grown naturally with the conventional means of crop rotation.The creation was motivated by the choices do by consumers in regard to environmental impact. As a result, the line was launched notwithstanding facing challenges. Organic cotton is to a greater extent expensive when compared to industrial cotton and, therefore, the company cannot make more of the jeans. Due to these factors, the textiles nurse a much higher price tag as compared to conventionally made ones.In addition, the Levis jeans manufacturers have taken into account the plight of farmers who participate in the production of cotton. By doing this, the farmers from solely depend on cotton farming for a living have an opportunity to make better their ways of living (Natural Choices, 2006, para. 5). This is through having the company buy their products from them at the appropriate price for the trouble they have gone trough and for the graphic symbol they provide. This overcomes unfair trade practices that certain countries impose, which, in turn, compromise on the quality of life for these farmers.Levis jeans company has created a way to instruct the consumer on how to take care of their products. This is by using recycled paper to print instruction using soy ink (Dunn, 2006, para. 1). In addition, the instructions are not just on how to clean but to clean them with lesser environmental impact and a message on recycling. Moreover, the recycling message encourages consumers to donate their worn out jeans to Goodwill than throw them out (Levi Strausse & Co., n.d., para.1). To be more eco friendly, the company is removing the need for tags attached to

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